147.2https://lafrikileria.com/en/harry-potter/443-replica-poster-platform-9-3-4-harry-potter-849421002398.htmlHAR15020808Replica Poster Platform 9 3/4 Harry Potter<p>Pásajeros with destiny at the <strong>Hogwarts</strong> <strong>School</strong> of <strong>Witchcraft</strong> and <strong>Wizardry</strong>!!!!</p> <p>Create your own <strong>platform 9 and 3/4 where</strong> you want it with this replica <strong>1:1 size</strong> of the signal of the famous <strong>Hogwarts Express</strong>.</p> <p>It measures 58cm by 21 cm and is made of wood.</p> <p>It is a piece of original and official <strong>Noble Collection</strong> is identical to the one used in the movies of <strong>Harry Potter.</strong></p>https://lafrikileria.com/24032-home_default/replica-poster-platform-9-3-4-harry-potter.jpg47.2instockNoble Collection47.239.01002015-10-14T13:46:12+0200/I only can spend.../A Lot Of Films/I only can spend.../More than 30€/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Things for Home/Collectibles/Things for Home/Posters and banners/Collectibles/Weapons and Replicas/Romantic/Romantic/Special for him/Romantic/Special for him/Special Collection/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Replicas and collectables Harry Potter/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Dentro de Hogwarts/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Dentro de Hogwarts/Hogwarts Express/Gifts for my girlfriend/Christmas gifts/Noble Collection