114.9https://lafrikileria.com/en/death-note/19104-thermal-mug-big-kira-l-death-note-3665361142324.htmlDEA19121607Thermal Mug Big Kira & L-Death Note<p>A superb <strong>cup of</strong> <strong>pottery</strong> of large size, with no less than <strong>450 ml</strong> capacity, and a design inspired by one of the series of<strong> manga and anime </strong>to the darkest and most successful that we know,and<strong> Death Note</strong><strong>. </strong> A marvel both for the quality of the material and the finishes and colors of their drawings, with a capacity sensitive to heat that makes you <strong>change your design</strong> with the temperature.<br /><br />Is a<strong> cup official</strong> whose design is a <strong>stylish black color, </strong>on which we see two of the most important characters of this series of<strong> Death Note,</strong> <strong>Light Yagami</strong> <strong>and L, </strong>but when you pour hot liquid in the mug, the design change and it appears that feature <strong>letter L</strong> that represents this detective so special, and also <strong>Ryuk, </strong>the famous<strong> s<span>hinigami </span></strong>that drops a<strong><span> death note.</span></strong></p> <p><span>The cup comes in a specially designed box for it with a graphic design excellent, which makes it a great <strong>gift</strong> or collection for any fan of <strong>Death Note.</strong></span></p>https://lafrikileria.com/57269-home_default/thermal-mug-big-kira-l-death-note.jpg14.9instockAbystyle14.912.31002019-12-16T10:42:33+0100/I only can spend.../Gimme more Manga!/I only can spend.../Less than 15€/Gimme more Manga!/Death Note/Things for Home/Things for Home/Heat changing mugs and glasses/Gifts for my boyfriend/Gifts for my girlfriend/Birthday gifts/Christmas gifts
112.9https://lafrikileria.com/en/a-lot-of-films/53333-taza-desayuno-trolls-world-tour-generos-5050574256544.htmlOCI24011431Taza Desayuno Trolls World Tour Géneros<p>Taza Desayuno Trolls World Tour Géneros<br /><br />No te pierdas este genial producto con licencia oficial.<br /><br />Marca/Fabricante: PYRAMID INTERNATIONAL<br /><br />Pyramid - Taza de desayuno Trolls (World Tour) Géneros con 315 ml de capacidad<br /><br />Un regalo elegante y original, pero también muy práctico, para los que nos declaramos fans incondicionales de Trolls</p>https://lafrikileria.com/182393-home_default/taza-desayuno-trolls-world-tour-generos.jpg12.9instockPyramid International12.910.66002024-01-15T16:41:25+0100/I only can spend.../A Lot Of Films/I only can spend.../Less than 15€/Things for Home/Things for Home/Heat changing mugs and glasses
137.8https://lafrikileria.com/en/harry-potter/60508-primera-varita-magica-de-harry-potter-ollivander-s-849421010423.htmlHAR24111503Primera varita mágica de Harry Potter Ollivander'shttps://lafrikileria.com/213434-home_default/primera-varita-magica-de-harry-potter-ollivander-s.jpg37.8instockNoble Collection37.831.24002024-11-15T10:13:08+0100/I only can spend.../A Lot Of Films/I only can spend.../More than 30€/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Collectibles/Something amazing/Collectibles/Weapons and Replicas/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Harry Potter Characters/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Harry Potter Characters/Only Harry/A Lot Of Films/Harry Potter/Wands for Wizards & Witches