An incredible Funko Pop 10 cm Robot Devil based on the television series cartoon Futurama, in the collection of 10cm Vinyl Pop of the fun and prestigious brand FUNKO.
The Pop! are some figurines made in vinyl by the leading manufacturer Funko. They are limited editions and numbered so that you can collect. Are graciosísimas figurines of only 10 cm that they manage to make recognizable any character, despite using practically the same basis to all. A few nuggets that you can't avoid collecting.
An incredible Funko Pop 10 cm Robot Devil based on the television series cartoon Futurama, in the collection of 10cm Vinyl Pop of the fun and prestigious brand FUNKO.
The Pop! are some figurines made in vinyl by the leading manufacturer Funko. They are limited editions and numbered so that you can collect. Are graciosísimas figurines of only 10 cm that they manage to make recognizable any character, despite using practically the same basis to all. A few nuggets that you can't avoid collecting. Robot Devil Futurama<div id="short_description_block"> <div id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify"> <div> <div class="rte align_justify"> <div> <div class="rte align_justify"> <p>An incredible Funko Pop 10 cm Robot Devil based on the television series cartoon Futurama, in the collection of 10cm Vinyl Pop of the fun and prestigious brand FUNKO.</p> <p>The Pop! are some figurines made in vinyl by the leading manufacturer Funko. They are limited editions and numbered so that you can collect. Are graciosísimas figurines of only 10 cm that they manage to make recognizable any character, despite using practically the same basis to all. A few nuggets that you can't avoid collecting.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Fabricantes1814.88002016-02-19T11:19:17+0100/Sold out