Disney Bracelets

Disney bracelets and bracelets in sterling silver for all tastes and pockets. Don't miss your favorite movie bracelets like the little mermaid bracelet, Minnie bracelets or beauty and the beast bracelets in our Disney bracelets and bangles section

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  • 11,90 €

    From the magical world of Disney, the signature My Little Neverland introduces us to a beautiful bracelet based on one of the classic films most iconic of the factory Disney's: Beauty and The Beast. It is a bracelet that stands out for your centerpiece, with the characteristic shape of the iconic Pink's Haunted, which keeps the Beast locked in her castle...

    11,90 €

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  • 19,90 €

    This time My Little Neverland brings us a bracelet really elegant that goes with everything and with everyone. A bracelet is light despite the imposing size of its links classic. Is made of a lightweight alloy so that you are not although although you take throughout the day and subsequently plated in silver Iand silver or 925: don't be ugly, don't of joy...

    19,90 €

    Available for fast shipments.
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items