Replica 1:1 Broom Bolt of Fire


This replica of the broom Bolt of Fire just missing him fly! Has all luxury of details that you can see in the photos. Put the same face that Harry Potter when you get it from Sirius Black as soon as you have at home, just don't bring it, an owl.

The replica is actual size, it measures approximately 148cm in length and has the level of details to which we have been accustomed to the prestigious manufacturer The Noble Collection. Comes with the handle recorded at the start and imitating the wood after and the handles below that you can rotate to rest on them or not, depending on how you want to expose.

A piece of collection mind-blowing for any fan of Quidditch and of this magical saga of books and movies of J. K. Rowling

295,20 €



369,00 €

Ships in 3 - 5 days.

This replica of the broom Bolt of Fire just missing him fly! Has all luxury of details that you can see in the photos. Put the same face that Harry Potter when you get it from Sirius Black as soon as you have at home, just don't bring it, an owl.

The replica is actual size, it measures approximately 148cm in length and has the level of details to which we have been accustomed to the prestigious manufacturer The Noble Collection. Comes with the handle recorded at the start and imitating the wood after and the handles below that you can rotate to rest on them or not, depending on how you want to expose.

A piece of collection mind-blowing for any fan of Quidditch and of this magical saga of books and movies of J. K. Rowling

Data sheet de Replica 1:1 Broom Bolt of Fire

Product typeWeapons and Replicas

Accessories con Replica 1:1 Broom Bolt of Fire

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