Replica 1:1 Umbrella Wand Hagrid Harry Potter


A spectacular replica of the actual size of that umbrella rose Hagrid, that in reality hides the remains of his old wand, as we saw in the films of the legendary saga Harry Potter.

And is that this reply is not any, it is a replica 1:1 scale, so that both by its size as by its appearance is a replica absolutely faithful to the original. This is a replica designed and manufactured by the prestigious firm The Noble Collection, specializing in replicas of film, and as is usual in articles of this house, every one of its details have been reproduced with great care. In addition, it is a replica that is fully functional, so that the umbrella can be opened as the original. Comes with an elegant wooden box, designed especially for this replica.

A replica exceptional that it will be a very special gift for the true fans of this magical series of books and movies is Harry Potter, the great Hagrid , and which will undoubtedly delight the most demanding collectors.

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74,90 €


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A spectacular replica of the actual size of that umbrella rose Hagrid, that in reality hides the remains of his old wand, as we saw in the films of the legendary saga Harry Potter.

And is that this reply is not any, it is a replica 1:1 scale, so that both by its size as by its appearance is a replica absolutely faithful to the original. This is a replica designed and manufactured by the prestigious firm The Noble Collection, specializing in replicas of film, and as is usual in articles of this house, every one of its details have been reproduced with great care. In addition, it is a replica that is fully functional, so that the umbrella can be opened as the original. Comes with an elegant wooden box, designed especially for this replica.

A replica exceptional that it will be a very special gift for the true fans of this magical series of books and movies is Harry Potter, the great Hagrid , and which will undoubtedly delight the most demanding collectors.

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Data sheet de Replica 1:1 Umbrella Wand Hagrid Harry Potter

Product typeWeapons and Replicas

More info sobre Replica 1:1 Umbrella Wand Hagrid Harry Potter

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