Pin One Piece Skull


See what else cool! Here we have the pin ultimate for the true fans of One Piece to glow with elegance its admiration for this anime series as mythical.

It is a pin 3 x 3.2 cm with a design great , and finished great, it is a perfect reproduction of that emblem so famous of the Straw Hat Pirates, whose captain is Luffy. Thanks to that it is made of metal, the level of details and paint is absolutely outstanding.

A little detail great for any fan of One Piece, and the pins with as much class as this.

5,90 €

Ships in 7 - 10 days.

See what else cool! Here we have the pin ultimate for the true fans of One Piece to glow with elegance its admiration for this anime series as mythical.

It is a pin 3 x 3.2 cm with a design great , and finished great, it is a perfect reproduction of that emblem so famous of the Straw Hat Pirates, whose captain is Luffy. Thanks to that it is made of metal, the level of details and paint is absolutely outstanding.

A little detail great for any fan of One Piece, and the pins with as much class as this.

Data sheet de Pin One Piece Skull

Product typeAccessories, purses and handbags

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