Ramune Strawberry Soda 200 ml


If you are a lover of the japanese culture and you cannot resist their delicious and original snacks and soft drinks, don't take a plane to enjoy some of them because we will bring home in a no time.

In this time we have a drink that's perhaps you've heard you're familiar with the world japanese, is the Ramune, a delicious beverage with gas ideal to take at any time and place, in this case with the strawberry flavour. And don't miss the original bottle glass neck with a pellet type pellet so as not to leak the gas.

A gift perfect to eat at any place and time, you certainly will love all lovers of the japanese beverage and demanding customers who are not satisfied with any soda.

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2,95 €

Available for fast shipments.

If you are a lover of the japanese culture and you cannot resist their delicious and original snacks and soft drinks, don't take a plane to enjoy some of them because we will bring home in a no time.

In this time we have a drink that's perhaps you've heard you're familiar with the world japanese, is the Ramune, a delicious beverage with gas ideal to take at any time and place, in this case with the strawberry flavour. And don't miss the original bottle glass neck with a pellet type pellet so as not to leak the gas.

A gift perfect to eat at any place and time, you certainly will love all lovers of the japanese beverage and demanding customers who are not satisfied with any soda.

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Data sheet de Ramune Strawberry Soda 200 ml

Product typeFood and Beverage

More info sobre Ramune Strawberry Soda 200 ml

Cantidad: 33ml

VOL: 11%

Ingredientes: Miel y agua

R.E.: 0004SE


Accessories con Ramune Strawberry Soda 200 ml

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